McCafe Frappe

Packaging Design | Outdoor Communications


A product that is made for the largest consumer group today

McDonald’s, the brand with the golden arches is the largest fast-food company in the United States. With the food and beverage industry growing every day, good is brewing with delicious McCafé beverages and baked goods. A fun and energetic packaging design project that targets the millennials and their fast-paced life.

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When we consider the magnitude of spending power and sheer “connectedness” of this generation, it’s easy to see why the millennial market plays a key role in most brands’ growth strategies. Bringing in fun elements and bright yet subdued colors, they are currently experiencing their 15 minutes of fame.

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Wherever you’re going,
just the right flavor for everyone.



Millennials demand more from the brands they purchase, and they are forcing brands to push the envelope when it comes to innovative products and packaging. Millennials witness  the stories of people’s lives. We “like” pictures on Instagram. We “snap” with friends. We watch reality TV! Deriving inspiration from true rich coffee flavors with of touch of art and graffiti influence, which is another platform to tell real stories of real people.

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