Colgate Palmolive

Branding | Campaign Design | Out of Home Communications | Social Media


Building the future of an iconic brand

A brand refresh for one of the leading dishwashing soap in the world. Creating something inviting and beautiful for customers to pick up and bring home with them. Discovery & Immersion are the key factors of the process. Redefining a product and everything that it could offer to a family and their lives. 

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De-construing assets and finding opportunities to tell the best story. To create a packaging that stands out on the shelf without losing its inherent DNA. Owning the brand colors and assets to keep it authentic. Bold and easily recognizable design with a touch of magic moments.



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Today we’re virtually connected 24-7, yet despite that, we are more disconnected from each other than ever. It’s why mealtime together has taken on even greater importance. It’s a chance for real face time. A transformation of reconnecting with the audience, with the means of a simple product such as dish soap.
Re-interpret key equities to better leverage them for the world we live in today.


Go beyond the functional to build an emotional connection


Power of One

Full of active enzymes, a drop of Palmolive makes a remarkable difference. As a family, we all split up for the day each forging our own paths. But there is nothing more powerful than when we come together as one unit. Shared conversations during eating and washing provide an opportunity for a powerful moment together, where we feel we can tackle anything that comes our way. 

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Re-interpret our key equities to better leverage them for the product

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Consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on how they feel about brands instead of what they know. Consumers want to align themselves with brands that speak to their personal values, and assure themselves that what they offer to their families is true to its nature.

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Creating meaningful experiences
both online and offline

Branding | Print Collateral | Website Design