Acceptance Insurance

User Research | UX-UI | Website Design | UI Toolkits


Creating effective and enjoyable user experiences

The goal was to start optimizing based on data, and not assumptions. Despite having all the tools to analyze traffic and user journeys, it was just not enough to determine the roadblocks. So we simply start with the obvious- to identify an area of focus. To understand and prioritize users’ needs through observable tests. Crafting a design vernacular leveraged upon the qualitative and the quantitative data that we have to formalize a hypothesis.

A complex product,
a clear presentation


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To build an enhanced user experience. An interface that allows user to navigate through the site seamlessly. To make faster decision without cognitive load.





To Design a website that is based on user intent type and categorize the pages that are most suitable for our company and our niche. Envisioning Mobile-first design philosophy that enables us to create immersive site experiences, that will encourage visitors to see
us as a credible resource for information, products and services.

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The story of the architecture
in relation to the energy of
the neighborhood

Branding | Spacial Design | Signage | Website Design | Post Production