Theory of Everything

Design Narratives | Conceptual Design | Spacial Design


Streamline narratives, that Propagate through spaces

Its premise is simple, everything is made of tiny strings. The strings may be closed unto themselves or have loose ends; they can vibrate, stretch, join, or split. And in these manifold appearances lie the explanations for all phenomena we observe, both matter and space-time included. String theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. It describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other.

International Design Awards: Honorable Mention

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A possible framework, that gives a clear progression in how design needs to be perceived by the audience as it becomes increasingly embedded in the collective mindset. Space matters. It can inspire people to do great things, to engage one-another, to think more deeply, to innovate, and make a difference. Based on original empirical research and cross-case analysis, this groundbreaking study offers a re-examination of several theories of science. 

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Building creative resilience and learning to manage the uncertainty of the creative process through multiple concept iterations. One of which was ‘hair’. Interpreting strings through hair. Creating immersive visual narratives for the string theory.

View Design Process


Developing unique and
successful visual experiences.

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A twofold impact of
form and function




Creating transmedia experiences
through typography

Editorial Design | Typography | Type Experiments